Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS)風日, also known as switc開來hing power supply, switching converte美店r, is a high-frequency 裡劇power conversion device, wh時校ich is a kind of power supply. Its f地們unction is to convert a level o光花f voltage through different forms 去現of architecture to the voltag生店e or current required by the user. M師民ost of the input of the switching習是 power supply is an AC唱筆 power source (such as a c畫飛ommercial power supply) or a D器制C power supply, and the outp通畫ut is mostly a device 女業that requires a DC power source, s可公uch as a personal computer, and th都花e switching power sup兒少ply converts the voltag冷問e and current between the two.
The switching power 雪事supply is different from the l是通inear power supply. The 熱習switching transistors used by行黃 the switching power 水技supply are mostly switche一明d between the full-on mode 村湖(saturation zone) and 還黑the fully-closed mode (cut-off zone). 身劇Both modes have low d銀樂issipation characteris音麗tics. The conversion will have high山弟er dissipation, but t工時he time is short, so it is more ener鄉很gy efficient and produces less影來 waste heat. Ideally個商, the switching power suppl嗎我y itself will not consume power. 相數Voltage regulation i車人s achieved by adjusting the time理筆 that the transistor is turned on信跳 and off. Conversely, in the pro身知cess of generating an 鐵吃output voltage, the linear power sup校市ply operates in the am媽畫plification region and consumes power i冷舊tself. The high conver地老sion efficiency of the s機了witching power supply is o器村ne of its advantages, an還拍d because the switching power內鄉 supply has a high operatin謝中g frequency, a small-sized, 得河light-weight transformer can be答那 used, so the switching power裡術 supply will be smaller than the line嗎件ar power supply and the weight w資時ill be lighter.
If the high efficiency, volum計什e and weight of the power su南畫pply are the key points, 車議the switching power supply is better t慢腦han the linear power suppl紅厭y. However, the switching power sup市間ply is more complicated, and th火刀e internal transistors will swi北又tch frequently. If the switching cu影我rrent is still processed, noi刀文se and electromagnetic interfere黑遠nce may be generated to affect ot吧門her devices, and if 關路the switching power supply is not 老高specially designed, the powe坐不r factor of the power supply may not be物科 high.