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What is a high frequency transfo呢去rmer?

The high-frequency transfor煙南mer is a power transformer with a wo雨地rking frequency exceeding朋答 the intermediate frequency (學厭10 kHz). It is mainly used for h小謝igh-frequency switching志制 power supply transformers in hig關要h-frequency switching power suppl哥低ies, and also for high-frequen月中cy inverters in high-frequency很自 inverter power supplies and high-fr暗東equency inverter welding machine數司s. Variable power tra業我nsformer. According t一科o the working frequency, it can be d光錯ivided into several grade吧科s: 10kHz- 50kHz, 50k志微Hz-100kHz, 100kHz-500kHz, 500kH飛姐z~1MHz, 10MHz or more.

The high frequency transformer is時空 the most important part 作都of the switching power supply. Ther湖刀e are many topologies in switchi信體ng power supplies. For example, a half-電弟bridge power conversio但哥n circuit, in which two switchi就慢ng transistors are turned on in turn 資不to generate a high-freque又去ncy pulse wave of 100 kHz, an計海d then transformed by a 新相high-frequency transformer to output 匠場an alternating current, and t東舞he ratio of the turns of市刀 each winding of the high-frequency tr要和ansformer is determined. What is the ou坐好tput voltage? The most 答市prominent of the typical half-bridge我子 transformer circuits ar飛術e three high-frequency transform資答ers: the main transformer, t討中he drive transformer, 生暗and the auxiliary tra雜相nsformer (standby transformer). Each t家紙ransformer has its own measurem說外ent standard in the national reg窗的ulations, such as the ma聽員in transformer. As long as it is 算公more than 200W, its core di頻吃ameter (height) must no火讀t be less than 35mm. The auxilia分對ry transformer, when the p放這ower of the power does not exceed 300歌公W, the core diameter of 16mm is en得從ough.

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