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Inductance measurement

Two types of instruments for i制對nductive measurement: 筆有RLC measurement (three types of resi風線stance, inductance, capacita話他nce can be measured) and induc玩區tance measuring instrument.
Inductance measurement:廠購 no-load measurement (theoretical value志答) and measurement (actual val木報ue) in the actual cir學吃cuit. Since the actual circu購黑it used by the inductor is too算朋 much, it is difficult to cl呢愛assify it. Only the measurem她畫ents under no-load conditions are expla厭美ined. Inductance measurement通微 step (RLC measuremen器什t):
1. Familiar with the op技通erating rules of the instr少樂ument (instructions for use), a樹要nd precautions.
2. Turn on the power and prepare for 1道身5-30 minutes.
3. Select the L file and select t新暗he measured inductanc東車e.
4. Clip the two clips together and金照 reset them to zero.
5. Hold the two clips at each end of 少子the inductor, read the v花坐alue and record the inductance.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to reco著看rd the measured value我爸s. Have 5-8 data.
7. Compare several measured values: 大匠if the phase difference i請公s not large (0.2uH), 公遠take the average value and remember又玩 the theoretical val裡錢ue of the inductor; if the phase di器鐘fference is too large (0市拿.3uH), repeat steps 2 - 綠影6 until the theory of induct弟小ance is taken. value.
There are some discrepanci放劇es in the inductance parameters that c坐子an be measured by di中村fferent instruments. Therefo習鐵re, do any familiarity with the measu用跳ring instrument used befo影朋re the measurement, understand what the訊音 instrument can do, and t些資hen follow the instr就麗uctions given to it.
circuit diagram
Labeling method

1. Straight standard method: di裡光rectly mark the inductance o玩議f the inductor, the all微吧owable error and the maximum o森的perating current, et風船c., directly on the outer cas少村ing of the inductor coil.愛吧
2, color standard method: color stand志相ard method: that is, 就快the color ring represents the inductan什女ce, the unit is mH, the firs間生t two digits represent the effe見化ctive digits, the thir件子d digit represents the場謝 magnification, and 劇很the fourth digit is the err信下or.
Good or bad judgment
1. Inductance measureme機在nt: Turn the multimeter to the低技 buzzer diode and place the te亮身st leads on the two pins to see 妹微the reading of the multimeter.
2. Good or bad judgment: For t遠紅he chip inductor, the reading 朋醫at this time should be z上花ero. If the multimeter reading is too要紙 large or infinite, the inductance i店人s damaged.
For the number of turns of the in女少ductor coil, the coil diameter of th物外e coil will be several tens to hund藍房reds of times. Usually, the DC re爸新sistance of the coil is only a聽商 few ohms. The damage is manifes機體ted as obvious damage to the 媽坐hot or inductive magnetic ring. If th黑遠e induction coil is not seriously dam還你aged and cannot be determined, the 窗木inductance can be mea飛銀sured by the inductan火新ce meter or judged by 女街the replacement method.
1. Inductive component計國s, the core and windin制都g are easy to change due to 明媽the temperature rise effect明上. It should be noted that the body te能放mperature must be within the speci跳從fication range.
Second, the winding of the inductor 草見easily forms an electromag科行netic field after the農老 current passes. When pl年物acing the component position, ca現相re should be taken to keep the adjace些筆nt inductors away from each other, or 讀答the winding groups a鐵上re at right angles to 麗錢each other to reduce the 可低mutual inductance.
3. The windings of the layers of the 慢新inductor, especially the mult少女i-turn thin wires, will als也筆o generate gap capacitance, which will 上對cause high-frequency sign雜議al bypass and reduce the actual filte學見ring effect of the inductor.
4. When testing the inductance v海是alue and Q value with麗關 the meter, in order to obtain th聽新e correct data, the t和分est leads should be as close as poss湖還ible to the component body..
Functional use editing
The inductor mainly plays the光放 role of filtering, oscillat兒兒ion, delay, trapping, etc. in the circu店門it, as well as screening暗他 signals, filtering 黃微noise, stabilizing current and 資我suppressing electromagnetic interf明拍erence. The most common function機化 of the inductor in the新員 circuit is to form an L行媽C filter circuit toget嗎能her with the capacitor. The 如日capacitor has the characteristics of雪風 "resistance to DC, AC", while the ind生現uctor has the functi麗間on of "DC, DC". If the DC current with 學視many interference signals is 西放passed through the LC filter 著有circuit, the AC interfer動站ence signal will be co問金nsumed by the inductor into heat e好火nergy; when the relatively pure DC curr月女ent passes through the inductor, the了體 AC interference signal is also turne黑東d into a magnetic sense. And工醫 thermal energy, the hig麗音her the frequency is校作 the most easily inductive impedan好唱ce, which can suppress higher freq靜南uency interference signals.新林
The inductor has the chara和錯cteristic of preventing些開 the passage of the alternatin長呢g current and allowing t業了he direct current to 看那pass smoothly. The higher the frequency中土, the larger the impedance of the coil.自聽 Therefore, the main function of the in章這ductor is to isolate, filter or 暗愛form a resonant circuit with a cap文朋acitor or a resistor.
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