1. Skeleton The skeleton refers to the個嗎 bracket that winds t們志he coil. Some large fixed睡又 inductors or adjustable inductors 東空(such as oscillating coils, cho身區kes, etc.), most of them are wrap機機ped around the skele草子ton of the enameled wire (or 坐化yarn wrapped wire), a作務nd then the core or coppe廠快r core, iron core, etc. Load 小輛the inner cavity of t下中he skeleton to increase its i年費nductance. The skelet我懂on is usually made of plastic, bakeli長視te or ceramic, and can be購笑 made into different sha他店pes according to actual needs. Small 現雪inductors (such as color code indu錢公ctors) generally do not use a skelet子民on, but directly wrap the enamel wir資生e around the core. Hollow ind體街uctors (also known as們訊 tire coils or air-core coi學西ls, mostly used in high-frequency cir船畫cuits) do not use magne了車tic cores, skeletons, and s服務hields. Instead, the知近y are wound on the mold and then r空白emoved from the mold. Open 樹歌a certain distance.
2. Winding Winding refers to a gr朋討oup of coils with defined下南 functions, which are the b關火asic components of an in文鐘ductor. The windings are divided int一舊o single layers and multiple layers. Th鐵女e single-layer winding has two 讀對forms of tight winding (one t現土urn of the wire during winding) and報紅 inter-winding (each wire is separa機間ted by a certain distance between新生 windings); the multil拿工ayer winding has layered flat w靜男inding and chaos Winding, honeyco笑行mb type winding and so on.
3. Magnetic core and magnetic r白自od core and magnetic rod民有 are generally made of nickel-zi會城nc ferrite (NX series) or manganese唱區-zinc ferrite (MX series物子). It has “work” shape, column我國 shape, hat shape and “E”. Shape雜子s, cans and other shapes.
4. Iron core The core街黃 material mainly includes silico東日n steel sheet and permalloy, and兵但 its shape is mostly “E” type.
5. Shield To prevent the magnetic服近 field generated by some 好光inductors from affecting金長 the normal operation of other circuits紅請 and components, a metal scr畫跳een cover (such as an oscillat林影ing coil of a semiconduc村路tor radio) is added. 近做Inductors with shields increase the lo事秒ss of the coil and lower the Q.
6. Packaging Materials A現著fter some inductors (such as color code動跳 inductors, color ring inductors, e日樂tc.) are wound, the coils and core工腦s are sealed with a packaging 暗子material. The packag都金ing material is made of 暗視plastic or epoxy resin.
Copper coil
The inductance is the ratio of湖吧 the magnetic flux aro麗厭und the inside of the wire when 少商the alternating current 是森is passed through the wire, and the 從海magnetic flux of the wire is th醫車e current that produces the flux. Whe草房n a direct current is pass關什ed through the inductor, only a在來 fixed magnetic line of微音 force is present around the i們城nductor, which does not cha門我nge with time;
Copper coil
However, when an altern問車ating current is passed th商物rough the coil, magneti藍學c lines of force that 雨站change over time will著你 appear around it. Accordin資笑g to Faraday's law of electromagnetic i可路nduction, magnetic generation林那, the varying magnetic微很 lines produce an induced potential 農腦at both ends of the coil, w木畫hich is equivalent to a "new power sup好就ply". When a closed 內車loop is formed, this induced p信廠otential generates an induced current.呢這 It is known by Lenz's 資你law that the total am了術ount of magnetic lines gen體問erated by the induced current is畫會 intended to prevent changes 西音in the magnetic lines of force時一. The change of the magnetic fiel紅老d line is derived from the 煙他change of the external alternating c術林urrent power supply. Ther區器efore, from the objective effec冷在t, the inductance coil has t吃務he characteristic of prev工低enting the current cha章鄉nge in the alternating curren她志t circuit. Inductor coils have similar亮我 characteristics to the inertia in m鐘飛echanics. They are electrically name下還d “self-sensing”. Usually, wh房弟en the knife switch is 下我turned on or the knife switch is tu在低rned on, a spark will occur. This se紙音lf-inductance phenomenon is very自體 Caused by high induced potential.
In short, when the induc冷微tor coil is connected to the A姐上C power source, the magnetic lines of 動玩force inside the coil will change wit工他h the alternating current, c商看ausing the coil to generate electro時睡magnetic induction. This electromotive 友師force generated by th輛就e change of the current of 爸數the coil itself is called "self-文錯induced electromotive forc綠場e". It can be seen that the inductance個物 is only a parameter related to間又 the number of turns 答子of the coil, the size and shape, and 水年the medium. It is a measure o近腦f the inertia of the in外國ductor and is independent志謝 of the applied current.
Replacement principle:資劇 1, the inductor coil m件著ust be replaced by the or藍視iginal value (the number of tur物事ns is equal, the same size). 2空上. The chip inductors onl機下y need to be the same size. They can 小是also be replaced by 0 oh西學m resistors or wires.