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Low frequency transformer classi章務fication

It is divided into an interstage懂這 coupling transformer, an 照快input transformer and an o機器utput transformer, and the shape兒劇 is similar to that o開空f a power transformer.
1. Inter-electrode coupl聽著ing transformer: The inte弟站rstage coupling transfor熱醫mer is used between two-stage雪快 audio amplifier circui遠拿ts. As a coupling element, the output計服 signal of the preamplifier circuit is影關 transmitted to the next s國上tage, and appropriate 為議impedance transformation is perfo妹吧rmed.
2. Input Transformer: In th可路e early semiconductor radios, 水自the transformer used between the audio 兵林boost stage and the power amplif近小ier stage was an input transfor票話mer that acts as a signal coup書也ling and transmission, also known as a 車通push transformer.
The input transformer has a s吧但ingle-ended input and a push-p件銀ull input. If the push circuit i車美s a single-ended circuit, the input t要司ransformer is also a single-ended in爸就put transformer; if the push ci行讀rcuit is a push-pull circuit, the 多事input transformer is also a p銀銀ush-pull input transfor唱器mer.
3. Output transformer: The output t路輛ransformer is connec刀舊ted between the output亮科 circuit of the power amplifier and 是動the speaker, mainly for sig空員nal transmission and impedance matc知問hing. The output transformer is 花的also divided into a single-ended ou北音tput transformer and a p朋時ush-pull output tran電工sformer.
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